Celebrating 50 Years of LWV-CC
It has been 50 years since LWV-CC was founded! All are invited to celebrate with us on Sunday, March 30, from 4:00-8:00 at BarnHill Vineyards in Anna. The evening will include music, silent auction, trivia contest, BBQ dinner, wine, and more. View an event flyer. More information is available on our anniversary webpage.
Registration is required, and the $55 ticket may be purchased using a credit card. Members, please log in to the website before registering. REGISTER HERE
Would you and/or your company like to sponsor this event? View the $250/$500/$1000 sponsor levels. Simply click the donate button at the top of this webpage & write 'sponsor' in the comment field at checkout. Thank you to our financial sponsors: Business Resolution Center, Donnie's Custom Jewelry, Collin County Votes, Elizabeth Erkel, and Sharon Hirsch. Thank you to our in-kind sponsors: Amelia Audish, Anne Womack, BarnHill Vineyards, Central Market, Creations by Carolyn, Diane Southworth, Elizabeth Erkel, Esther's Follies, Hair Design by Mona, Harvest at the Masonic, J's Art Studio, League of Women Voters of Texas, Lewisville Autoplex, Liz Holland, Lynn Doyle, Mary Freeman, and McKinney Knittery.
We hope to see you there!